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Hair colors for pixie hair cuts

What color to choose?

The brighter the shade of hair, the better. Copper, blond, dark chocolate - any saturated shade will look very favorably with a new hairdo. Fashion this season bright strands will make the image unique and memorable. Be careful to be only blond shades. With this color, you risk becoming a teenage boy. For pixie hair models and haircuts for every hundred shapes, you can find many options at

Despite the short length of the hair, pixie haircut with bangs - a huge room for imagination. If you are going smooth hair, to create a casual way you can just comb the hair smooth with a small amount of gel, wax or lotion.

Just vzeroshte fingers hair using the same tools, and the mirror on you will look mischievous playful girl. Unruly hair mousse can be fixed or a drop of varnish, after making fleece.

Pixie Hairstyles

Pixie haircuts for 2017

Blonde Pixie haircuts


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